Sunday, November 26, 2006

So my brother finally got married..

To my kid brother Iloi and his newly-wed Anor

This day has come
When two become one
The wife can claim in calm
What's yours is also mine

Marriage as they say
As what you make of it
The role a husband has to play
Be a man and not a beast

Between a wife and caretaker
Not to mention your own career
This is the balance which is so dear
Which the difference is not so clear

However way you want to see
One thing you will agree
Two heads are always better than one
To keep this marriage to be smoothly run

And finally my kid brother
I'll remember you in my daily prayer
Ask Allah to give what's best for you
And I'll be there to see you through

Monday, November 13, 2006

Little Wonder

Hey Little Wonder
You sat in a corner
In my left belly tender

A boy or a girl I wonder
For you so tender
And felt warmth all over

I'm sorry if I've ever
Hurt you when I never
Knew you were here since September

I've not thought of a name, my new lover
For I soon will discover
What you are my Litle Wonder !

So pray with me Little Wonder
As I dedicate this to you, my dear
That we'll be together forever..